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For Editors

Current Editorial Board Members

Randy Mullins, PharmD
Academic Guest Editor and Advisor, JPCTs
Associate Professor and Department Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Appalachian College of Pharmacy, USA.

Shamly A. Abdelfattah, B.S., Pharmacy, PharmD
Academic Editor, JPCTs
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Appalachian College of Pharmacy, USA.

Moynul Hasan, BPharm, MPharm, PhD
Academic Editor, JPCTs
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University, Japan, and Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Jagannath University, Bangladesh.

Monzurul Roni, BPharm, MPharm, PhD
Academic Editor, JPCTs,
Clinical Associate Professor, University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria, Health Sciences Education and Pathology, IL, USA

Become an Editor 

Are you interested in becoming a JPCTs editor? Or are you a current editor and wish to suggest a colleague? All editorial positions are volunteer positions. If you have any questions regarding the editorial process, or to become an editor,  please contact at We’d love to hear from you.

Handling Process of Manuscript:

  1. The editor-in-chief (EIC) does the initial screening. 
  2. An academic editor may be brought in after the initial screening if the manuscript is determined to be within the scope and free of misconduct. 
  3. All manuscripts should then be sent for formal peer review, which includes up to 2 reviewers. Reviewers will be anonymous to the authors and authors will be anonymous to the Reviewers. *Except for articles submitted by the EIC-Dr. Hossain.
  4. Based on reviewer comments, as subject experts in their respective disciplines, the editor and EIC make the final decision on the manuscript.


Manuscripts under peer review are kept confidential. Details are not shared outside of the peer review process. While editing, editors are to not utilize details from the manuscripts until publication. Feedback and related comments related to the peer process are kept anonymous. To ensure anonymous feedback, the author’s names and affiliations will be removed from the manuscript for review.

Publication Ethics:

Peer review is based on trust and voluntary participation, with all participants expected to behave ethically. Journals must establish transparent peer review policies, and reviewers are expected to conduct reviews ethically and responsibly. Any concerns should be reported to the Editor-In-Chief.


Dr. Hossain will make a significant contribution to this journal by submitting and publishing manuscripts that fall under the scope of this journal (*subject to peer review). Editorial or opinion articles are usually written by experts in the field or individuals with extensive knowledge of a particular topic, and they express their personal opinions or perspectives on the subject matter. While these articles may undergo some form of review or editing process by the editorial team of a publication, they are not subject to the same rigorous peer-review process as scientific research articles.

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