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For Authors

Publish with JPCTs

Submission Checklist:

  1. Read the scope to determine the suitability of your manuscript for JPCTs.
  2. Read the below instructions to prepare your manuscript.
  3. Ensure that issues relating to ethics, copyright, authorship, formatting, data, and the references format are appropriately addressed.
  4. Ensure all authors have approved the manuscript as written at submission and confirm that they have read the

Instructions for Authors:


Only the submitting author can submit a Microsoft Word file through our manuscript submission system. The submitting author takes responsibility for the manuscript during submission and peer review. There is no page limit to the submission. When preparing manuscripts, we encourage authors to use text font size 12, Times New Roman, Line spacing of 1.5,  and continuous line numbers.

Peer Review Process 

All articles are assessed and peer-reviewed to ensure they are appropriate and accurate.

  1. The Editor-In-Chief does the initial screening. 
  2. An academic editor may be brought in after the initial screening if the manuscript is determined to be within the scope and free of misconduct.
  3. All manuscripts should then be sent for formal peer review, which includes up to 2 reviewers.
  4. Reviewers will be anonymous to the authors, and authors will be anonymous to the Reviewers. 
  5. Based on reviewer comments, as subject experts in their respective disciplines, the editorial board (Assigned Academic Editor and EIC)  makes the final decision on the manuscript.
  6. Manuscripts under peer review are kept confidential. Details are not shared outside of the peer review process. While editing, editors are to not utilize details from the manuscripts until publication. Feedback and related comments related to the peer process are kept anonymous. To ensure anonymous feedback, the author’s names and affiliations will be removed from the manuscript for review.
  7. Publication Ethics: Peer review is based on trust and voluntary participation, with all participants expected to behave ethically. Journals must establish transparent peer review policies, and reviewers are expected to conduct reviews ethically and responsibly. Any concerns should be reported to the Editor-In-Chief. 
  8. Plagiarism is any intentional or unintentional copying of other people’s ideas, texts, data, or other creative work (such as tables, figures, and graphs) and passing it off as original research without properly citing it. We define plagiarism as any paper that reproduces another work at least 25% and does not cite it. If we find evidence of plagiarism before/after acceptance of the paper or after publication, we will provide the author with a chance to defend their work. If the arguments presented are not satisfactory, we will retract the manuscript, notification of the author’s institution, and even banning the author from submitting future articles to the journal.  

If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact

 Article processing charges

The Article Processing Charge for JPCT is $250

All JPCT articles are open access and subject to an article processing charge (APC) if accepted. The APC covers converting a manuscript into an article including the hosting costs of the article. The APC will be billed to the submitting author upon acceptance. There are no other fees other than the APC and no refunds will be issued after publication.  APC is due once accepted for publication.


JPCTs may provide either full or partial waiver of article processing charges based on the corresponding author’s listed affiliation to support researchers in low-to-middle-income countries defined by the World Bank


Article Writing Format



Title and Authorship Information

  • Manuscript Title

  • Full Author Names

  • Full Institutional Mailing Addresses

  • Email Addresses


  • Self-Contained

  • Citation-Free

  • Up to 200 words

  • Key Words (5-6 Words)


  • Background information, a literature review with appropriate citations, and study objectives should be included.

Materials and Methods

  • Can be combined or separated.

Results and Discussion

  • Can be combined or separated.


  • Should clearly explain the main conclusion of the article, highlighting its importance and relevance.

Conflict of Interests

  • Should be declared if present and explained if declared.

  • If none are present, the statement ‘The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article” should be made.

  • Funding sources must be declared that might influence the article.

Funding Statement

  • Should state how the article was funded.

  • If through employment, the employer should be stated.


  • If included, should be before references.

  • Anyone who contributed but is not an author should be included here.


Please use the Zotero Reference Manager and AMA citation style or

Journal Article 

Author. Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year; Vol(Issue):page numbers. DOI Number

Hossain MF, Ratliff A, Funk M, Oliver D. Prospects and Challenges of using Autocompounder in a 503A Pharmacy for non-sterile compounding: A Comparative Study. J Pharm Compd Ther. 2024;1(1):1-6.

Package insert

Drug name [package insert]. Publisher City, State: Publisher. URL. Published date. Accessed date.

COREG (carvedilol) tablets for oral use [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline. September 2017. Accessed January 4, 2024.

Book/Book  Chapter

Author(s), Editors. Title of Book. Publisher; year.

Elder Deborah Lester. A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice and Compounding. 4th Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.  2017

Loyd V. Allen Jr.  The Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding. 6th Edition. Chapter 14: Lozenges, Troches, and Films. The American Pharmacists Association; 2020. doi:10.21019/9781582123578.ch14


Author(s). Publisher. Page Title. URL. Accessed date

CDER. FDA. Human Drug Compounding.  Accessed January 3, 2024.


United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. General Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding – Nonsterile Preparations.  Accessed January 3, 2024.

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